UpdateStar Premium Edition - UpdateStar offers basic protection against outdated software
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UpdateStar Premium Edition

UpdateStar offers basic protection against outdated software

Free Software Downloads::System Utilities::System Maintenance::UpdateStar Premium Edition


Audio & Multimedia  
Audio Encoders/Decoders, Audio File Players, Audio File Recorders, CD Burners, CD Players, Multimedia Creation Tools, Music Composers, Other, Presentation Tools, Rippers & Converters, Speech, Video Tools

Accounting & Finance, Calculators & Converters, Databases & Tools, Helpdesk & Remote PC, Inventory & Barcoding, Investment Tools, Math & Scientific Tools, Office Suites & Tools, Other, PIMS & Calendars, Project Management, Vertical Market Apps

Chat & Instant Messaging, Dial Up & Connection Tools, E-Mail Clients, E-Mail List Management, Fax Tools, Newsgroup Clients, Other Comms Tools, Other E-Mail Tools, Pager Tools, Telephony, Web/Video Cams

Clocks & Alarms, Cursors & Fonts, Icons, Other, Screen Savers: Art, Screen Savers: Cartoons, Screen Savers: Nature, Screen Savers: Other, Screen Savers: People, Screen Savers: Science, Screen Savers: Seasonal, Screen Savers: Vehicles, Themes & Wallpaper

Active X, Basic, VB, VB DotNet, C / C++ / C#, Compilers & Interpreters, Components & Libraries, Debugging, Delphi, Help Tools, Install & Setup, Management & Distribution, Other, Source Editors

Computer, Dictionaries, Geography, Kids, Languages, Mathematics, Other, Reference Tools, Science, Teaching & Training Tools

Games & Entertainment  
Action, Adventure & Roleplay, Arcade, Board, Card, Casino & Gambling, Kids, Online Gaming, Other, Puzzle & Word Games, Simulation, Sports, Strategy & War Games, Tools & Editors

Graphic Apps  
Animation Tools, CAD, Converters & Optimizers, Editors, Font Tools, Gallery & Cataloging Tools, Icon Tools, Other, Screen Capture, Viewers

Home & Hobby  
Astrology/Biorhythms/Mystic, Astronomy, Cataloging, Food & Drink, Genealogy, Health & Nutrition, Other, Personal Finance, Personal Interest, Recreation, Religion

Network & Internet  
Ad Blockers, Browser Tools, Browsers, Download Managers, File Sharing/Peer to Peer, FTP Clients, Network Monitoring, Other, Remote Computing, Search/Lookup Tools, Terminal & Telnet Clients, Timers & Time Synch, Trace & Ping Tools

Security & Privacy  
Access Control, Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools, Anti-Virus Tools, Covert Surveillance, Encryption Tools, Other, Password Managers

Firewall & Proxy Servers, FTP Servers, Mail Servers, News Servers, Other Server Applications, Telnet Servers, Web Servers

System Utilities  
Automation Tools, Backup & Restore, Benchmarking, Clipboard Tools, File & Disk Management, File Compression, Launchers & Task Managers, Other, Printer, Registry Tools, Shell Tools, System Maintenance, Text/Document Editors

Web Development  
ASP & PHP, E-Commerce, Flash Tools, HTML Tools, Java & JavaScript, Log Analysers, Other, Site Administration, Wizards & Components, XML/CSS Tools

UpdateStar Premium Edition 10.0.1265 UpdateStar
Released:2013-12-16 All programs by this author   
Downloads: 253
License Type: Demo
Platform: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Product homepage: http://www.updatestar.com/
Price: $34.95 US
[Download] (8340 K)


UpdateStar 10 offers you a time-saving, one-stop information place for your software setup and makes your computer experience more secure and productive. UpdateStar delivers updates for your freeware, shareware, demos, commercial software, and includes special offers. The UpdateStar service runs silently in the background and once an update for one of your programs is available, UpdateStar lets you know. UpdateStar Premium puts an end to wasted time searching for possible updates or insecure software links and insecure downloads. The UpdateStar team verifies downloads and links for you. This way you are assured to only get secure downloads from original and trusted sources. UpdateStar already offers the most complete and trusted software database world-wide. Outdated software can lead to problems and system crashes and may lack features you can find in up to date versions of your software. Old software can even leave you vulnerable to attacks from outside as the constant news flow about newly found vulnerability leaks in software applications shows. UpdateStar puts a stop to that! As soon as a new version is available, UpdateStar lets you know automatically, and you can decide, if you want the update or not! The Free delivers major updates. UpdateStar Premium adds 20 times more updates, upgrades and downloads on a 24x7 basis.

updatestar, software setup, software updates, system maintenance, software search, software upgrade, software usage, files, downloads, maintenance

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